Friday, June 24, 2011

Five Myths About Your Teeth, Debunked

Crooked teeth are just a cosmetic issue.

Crooked teeth are much more difficult to keep clean.  The gums get inflamed by bacteria, which gets into the bloodstream.  Studies suggest this bacteria can lead to heart disease, Parkison’s, Alzheimer’s, low birthweight and other diseases.  Straight teeth = healthier teeth.

Baby teeth aren’t important since they’re just going to fall out.

It’s true that baby teeth fall out; however, while they’re in your child’s mouth, they affect his health and maintain the space for permanent teeth to grow in.  If a baby tooth falls out prematurely, the detention in the gums may collapse, and the permanent tooth will come in crooked due to lack of space.  You should take care of baby teeth the way you take care of permanent adult teeth.  As a big bonus, your child will develop healthy habits early on!

Candy gives you cavities.

It isn’t the candy that directly causes cavities; rather, the sugars feed the bacteria that cause cavities.  Junk food like potato chips turn to sugar and linger in your mouth, as well.  So floss and brush after eating, and especially after eating junk food of any sort.

Kids should wait until their teeth are finished moving before getting braces.

Early intervention is key to solving orthodontic problems during growth phases.  Each case is different, but normally orthodontics is accomplished in two phases with an early and late phase.  The early phase takes three to six months.  The late phase can be one to two years.  Each treatment can prevent a long phase if done correctly.

All people eventually need dentures when they get older.

With today’s proper care, people who take excellent care of their teeth may have them throughout their lives.

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