Friday, December 10, 2010

Ten Tips for Maintaining a Beautiful Smile

It’s our very first blog post here at Crabapple Dental, and we thought we’d start with a few pieces of expert advice for a beautiful, healthy smile.

Ten Tips for Maintaining a Beautiful Smile.

1. When we say a healthy smile, we mean it.  Few people seem to realize just how connected to your physical health your teeth and gums are. Just as you wouldn’t want disease in your skin, heart, or other body parts and organs, you don’t want disease in your mouth.  If your gums bleed, that’s periodontal disease, and you should see a dentist immediately.

2. Get a Waterpik.  We know those were popular in the 1970s, but they actually really work to prevent bad breath and cavities.  Each tooth has a pocket of saliva surrounding it.  A Waterpik washes away that saliva each day, so it can be replaced with fresh saliva.  Just rinsing your mouth with mouthwash won’t work as well.

3. You are what you eat, and your teeth absolutely reflect your eating habits.  So limit sugar, which causes cavities.  Eat vitamin- and calcium-rich leafy greens. Stop drinking soda. You may as well soak your teeth in acid.

4. Proper oral hygiene requires ten minutes of brushing and flossing every day.  The average adult spends two or three minutes total, and kids spend even less.  So reevaluate the time you allot to brushing your teeth.

5. Floss every day. Period. Flossing has such an enormous impact on your dental and overall health, it makes no sense to consider it optional.

6. Replace your toothbrush every two to three months.  The bristles get worn over time, rendering them less effective, and sometimes just having a brand new toothbrush in a fun color can invite you to brush your teeth!

7. Buy a travel toothbrush. Keep it in your purse. Take a few minutes after lunch and brush your teeth.

8. Using baking soda in place of your toothpaste every so often can help remove stains. Don’t overuse though, or else you risk removing enamel.

9. Brush your tongue, the roof of your mouth, and the insides of your cheeks. Bacteria collects there as well as on your teeth and gums, yet many people skip these places.  Brushing your entire mouth reduces bacteria and keeps your breath fresh and clean.

10. Visit your dentist at least twice a year – the recommended minimum for patients with healthy teeth and gums.

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