Thursday, December 16, 2010

Keep Your Smile Sparkling During the Holidays!

You want your smile to be beautiful all year round, of course.  Especially during the holidays, nothing says festive like a sparkling, healthy smile!  Yet the holidays can pose some of the biggest threats to keeping your teeth white and healthy.

During the holidays we tend to eat more candy and sweets in the form of cakes, pies and other desserts, which can cause tooth decay and other problems.  Holiday cocktails and red wine flow freely, potentially staining our teeth.  To make matters more precarious for our mouths, the holidays are so busy that in our rush we may be tempted to skip important steps like flossing, or cut down on the amount of time we spend brushing our teeth.

Ideally, we would steer clear of all of these sweets and drinks that aren't good for our teeth.  Realistically, we all indulge a little during the holidays!  With the inevitable in mind, we have a couple of tips for how to keep your smile healthy during the holidays.

The first thing to consider is the condition your teeth are in now.  If you have a history of weak or breaking teeth; you have fillings, crowns or bridges; or you have metal braces, you will want to be that much more careful about what you eat.  Each year around the holidays, we notice an increase in loose or pulled out crowns and bridges.  Try to avoid excessively sticky, chewy, or hard candies, such as taffy, peanut brittle, candy canes or caramels.  Instead have peanut butter cups, chocolate kisses, and fruit.  Floss and brush as soon as you can after eating.

When sipping a cocktail, don't crunch on the ice after your drink is gone, especially if your teeth are already prone to chipping.  Chose white over red wine if you don't have a strong preference for red; otherwise try to brush your teeth immediately afterwards. A small travel toothbrush is a great idea.

Follow these tips and you'll be taking good care of your teeth and gums, which means you'll be a healthier, happier you during and after the holidays!

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