Thursday, March 10, 2011

Professional Teeth Whitening, Professional Results.

If you’re considering having your teeth professionally whitened, you’re in luck.  Professional teeth whitening has improved over the years to become a safe and highly effective means of improving your smile.  Professional whitening means professional results.

A good dentist has access to the latest, state-of-the-art treatment options, as well as the most current information on which products and procedures work best, and just as importantly, which ones to avoid.

Your dentist also understands the nuances of what make teeth whitening safe and effective.  For example, if your teeth have areas of decay or restoration, they could require special treatment or they may not whiten like healthy teeth.  Your dentist can examine your teeth and find these problem areas before your teeth are whitened, so your results aren’t a surprise to you.

Your dentist should guide you through the ins and outs of achieving maximum results.  During the bleaching process, it is crucial to stay away from any foods or drinks that stain your teeth.  This is important because while the whitening agent opens your dental tubules in order to remove stains, it also allows stains to set in easier.  You should continue to avoid these staining foods hours after your appointment, as well.  Other things to avoid during the whitening process are smoking and mouth wash.

If you want a professionally whitened smile, consult with a good dentist, and follow his or her advice throughout the process.  You’ll absolutely love your results!

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