Monday, March 7, 2011

Teeth Whitening: Think coffee is the biggest stain culprit? Think again.

Coffee can stain your teeth, but it isn’t the biggest offender!  Here are some of the foods and drinks most likely to stain or erode your tooth enamel.

1. Soda (cola).  This acidic beverage opens your tooth’s “pores” allowing the dark color to really penetrate and stain.  Stay away from this drink if possible, and if you indulge every so often, or you’re a die-hard fan, use a straw and rinse with water afterwards.

2. Sports drinks and fitness “water.” Sports drinks, despite their seemingly harmless clear-ish color, contain additives and acids that erode tooth enamel, and break down calcium. Drink water instead if possible.

3. Tea. Particularly dark varieties, like black tea.  Black tea’s tannins promote stains, making it more potent than coffee, which doesn’t contain as many tannins.  Go for a lighter variety, like a green or rooibos tea.

4. Red wine.  If it stains your shirt, mouth, or carpet, there’s a good chance it stains your teeth.  Red wine is rich with tannins and chromogens, both of which stain your teeth.

5. Lemonade.  The combination of acid and sugar with the bacteria in your mouth is a formula for cavities and enamel erosion.

5. Berries and beets (and other deeply colored plants).  See above. Their rich color indicates staining potential.  These foods are so good for you that their benefits outweigh any effects on the color of your teeth.  Brush your teeth after eating them, and just don’t soak your teeth in beet juice. J

6. Rich-colored sauces such as turmeric-seasoned curries, marinara, and other sauces. They’re delicious and healthy, so we won’t dare tell you to abstain – just floss and brush.

7. Sweets.  Again, the combination of sugar and artificial colorings (like that lollipop that stains your tongue) are not good for your teeth.

Next post… why it’s important to visit your dentist before whitening your teeth.

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